The English Cocker Spaniel is the smallest in the gundog group yet are able to flush out and retrieve game birds from undergrowth.
A gentle and popular breed, they are also called the Merry Cocker because of their energetic, playful, and eager to please nature and their unique tail wagging which includes their entire hindquarters. English Cocker Spaniel’s are compact, but bigger than American Cocker Spaniels.
HISTORY: The spaniel family originated in Spain. In the 1800's the spaniels were divided into two groups; springer’s whose function was to "spring game"; and cockers named for their ability to flush and retrieve birds from dense undergrowth. The English cocker spaniel descends from the cocker dogs developed in Wales and southwest England.
GENERAL APPERANCE: Merry, Sturdy, Sporting, Well Balanced, Compact, Measuring approx same from Withers to ground as from Withers to root of tail.
TEMPERMENT: Gentle and affectionate, Full of life and Exuberance,
EYES: Full but not prominent, Dark brown or brown, never light, Bright and Merry, Rims tight.
EARS: Lobular, Set low on the level with eyes. Fine leathers extending to nose tip, Coat must be straight and silky.
MOUTH: Jaws strong with a perfect, Regular and complete scissor bite.
NECK: Moderate in length, Muscular, Set neatly into fine sloping shoulders, clean throat.
FOREQUARTERS: Shoulders sloping and fine, Legs well boned, straight.
LEGS: Sufficiently short for concentrated power.
BODY: Strong, Compact, Chest well developed and brisket deep. Not too wide or too narrow in front, Ribs well sprung, Loins short, Wide with firm, Level top line gently sloping downwards from the end of loin to the set of tail.
HINDQUARTERS: Wide well rounded, Very muscular. Legs well boned, Good bend of stifle, Short below hock allowing for plenty of drive.
FEET: Firm thickly padded, Cat like.
GAIT/ MOVEMENT: True through action with great drive covering ground well.
COAT: Flat silky in texture, not to profuse, Well feathered.
COLOR: Various, In self colours no white allowed except on chest.
SIZE: Dogs 39-41cms or 15.5 - 16 inches Bitches 38-39cms 15 - 15.5 inches.
LIFESPAN: 12- 15 years
The English Cocker Spaniel is the smallest in the gundog group yet are able to flush out and retrieve game birds from undergrowth.
A gentle and popular breed, they are also called the Merry Cocker because of their energetic, playful, and eager to please nature and their unique tail wagging which includes their entire hindquarters. English Cocker Spaniel’s are compact, but bigger than American Cocker Spaniels.
HISTORY: The spaniel family originated in Spain. In the 1800's the spaniels were divided into two groups; springer’s whose function was to "spring game"; and cockers named for their ability to flush and retrieve birds from dense undergrowth. The English cocker spaniel descends from the cocker dogs developed in Wales and southwest England.
GENERAL APPERANCE: Merry, Sturdy, Sporting, Well Balanced, Compact, Measuring approx same from Withers to ground as from Withers to root of tail.
TEMPERMENT: Gentle and affectionate, Full of life and Exuberance,
EYES: Full but not prominent, Dark brown or brown, never light, Bright and Merry, Rims tight.
EARS: Lobular, Set low on the level with eyes. Fine leathers extending to nose tip, Coat must be straight and silky.
MOUTH: Jaws strong with a perfect, Regular and complete scissor bite.
NECK: Moderate in length, Muscular, Set neatly into fine sloping shoulders, clean throat.
FOREQUARTERS: Shoulders sloping and fine, Legs well boned, straight.
LEGS: Sufficiently short for concentrated power.
BODY: Strong, Compact, Chest well developed and brisket deep. Not too wide or too narrow in front, Ribs well sprung, Loins short, Wide with firm, Level top line gently sloping downwards from the end of loin to the set of tail.
HINDQUARTERS: Wide well rounded, Very muscular. Legs well boned, Good bend of stifle, Short below hock allowing for plenty of drive.
FEET: Firm thickly padded, Cat like.
GAIT/ MOVEMENT: True through action with great drive covering ground well.
COAT: Flat silky in texture, not to profuse, Well feathered.
COLOR: Various, In self colours no white allowed except on chest.
SIZE: Dogs 39-41cms or 15.5 - 16 inches Bitches 38-39cms 15 - 15.5 inches.
LIFESPAN: 12- 15 years